
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Spore -Small City Concept

This was a concept for a small city built by a primitive and artistic culture

Here are some maya models I made showing the basic look and color scheme of the architecture.
I was really inspired by ceramics and Gaudi for these buildings, so I called this the Ceramic Culture.

 This was the City Hall building; on the right are the basic building block shapes used to make this structure.

Factories would have alot of smokestacks

 A typical residential building. Dr. Seuss was also a real inspiration in designing these buildings, especially the way little things would animate and bounce around on them.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Spore Space Colony Concept

A model for what the walls for a space colony might look like. There would be some kind of energy or glass dome, ala old time sci fi, on top of the walls to seal the colony from hostile planet atmospheres.

After talking with Will about the idea, we decided to go with a high tech look, he also wanted some kind of video screens around the outside of the walls that would show that this colony
was advertising itself...kind of Blade Runner-esque.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Spore - Editor

More work on the spaceship interior editor mockup.
Thought about having the editing Dais be a platform that drops down into the deep shaft before releasing the creation onto the planet via some ejection capsule or pod.

Spore - Editors

More vehicles and buildings using Spore editors, and exported into Maya for a quick mockup of a planet setting.

An Army of Fun

A bunch of vehicles I made using the editor when we were testing it out.
I exported these out of the editor and into Maya, then textured them in the way we would
expect it in game.
The assembly of various vehicles in editor was a very fast and creative process, that gave lots of creative freedom as well insured that the group of creations all share enough similarities to make them look like they belong together. We knew we had something cool at that point


Spore - Vehicle Editor Parts

Here are some Vehicle parts in maya, used to show how we partitioned the meshes up for texturing in game
by the player.
In later expansions we figured out how to make Robot Legs disassemble able so the player could make their own configuration, we just made the individual limbs.This really was fun to play with.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Spore - Editor Concept

War Plane

Playing around with the lighting a bit in this test.

Spore - Editor Concept

Another vehicle exported out. These were fun to make. (I also modeled and concepted the parts that made up
the vehicles which made it even more rewarding to see the final creation) I could have made a whole army for an RTS with this exporter and Spore in a day!

Spore - Vehicle Editor Concept

Spore- Editor Concepts

Here's a preliminary and rough modeling, lighting, and texturing concept done in Maya of what the vehicle editor environment would look like for Spore.
I was inspired by backgrounds from the game MetalSlug. I was imagining it as a giant interior of
a spaceship, and picturing some kind of energy doing the "editing"(represented by the volume light)
I'm using an exported vehicle from Spore with a baked on AO map from game (kinds low res) and standard specular and reflective settings done in Maya using a baked out specularity map, also from game.