
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Yosemite Valley

Some quick one hour studies.
The weather has been really warm,
60 degrees, so pretty comfortable for painting outside
Here's one of El Capitan

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Spore G.A. movie

A quick movie captured from a mission I designed using Spore GA.
I made two different armies and basically had them fight to the death in a desert plain.
There was a cool drop-ship I made for that mission too, I should try to find the screenshots.

Spore Creature Parts

Some more Creature Parts Concepts for Spore EP1

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Spore Robots in Galactic Adventures

This was a design for some snap on weapons I made for one of our Spore creatures. The creatures got all kinds of interesting parts and capabilities in that Spore Expansion Pack.

Here are a few quick videos of that creature in a walk cycle

Spore Robots

more concepts showing body blocks snapping onto a bendable spinal structure;
The key was a certain fun tactility as you dragged the body block off the palette and onto the spine.
How it snapped in place and slid around clicking and snapping in small increments along each spine segment.

You could then attach other blocks to this main block and they would move with it and the parent spine segment.

You could also reduce the number of spine segments or add them by pulling end handles (like in Spore)

A decent robot could be built with 2 or 3 spine segments, but more complex behaviors could be made with
longer spines.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Spore Robots Concepts

concept for a spinal structure

sketch showing how body blocks could attach onto the spinal structure

concept for a robotic leg assembly for use with the Spore Creature Creator

side or top mounted weapon concept

Spore Robot Prototypes

Scouring my older backups for artwork and came across these concepts I did for a Spore Robots Game
we pitched.
The core idea was combat between highly customizable robots in 3 different classes or types based on Speed, Weapons, and Defense, in a destructible environment.
We wound up outsourcing these designs to get modeled and textured. Some of the designs and models made their way into DarkSpore eventually :)